Symbol mark

The Symbol mark is used for plotting point data, with each data instance being represented as a symbol (or shape) element. The most common use for the Symbol mark is for creating points such as used in a scatterplot.

0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 0 50
<vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">





Prop Input Required Types Default Unit(s)
x x coordinate see Usage [Number, String, Date] undefined Local coordinates
y y coordinate see Usage [Number, String, Date] undefined Local coordinates
geometry GeoJSON object of type Point see Usage Object undefined Local coordinates

Other aesthetics

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
stroke false String undefined Stroke color Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
stroke-width false Number undefined Stroke width Screen pixel
stroke-opacity false Number undefined Stroke opacity Number between 0 to 1
fill false String 'black' Fill color Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
fill-opacity false Number undefined Fill opacity Number between 0 and 1
opacity false Number undefined Mark opacity Number between 0 and 1
shape false String 'circle' Shape of the symbol
size false Number 10 Length and width of the symbol Screen pixel

Most of these are analogous to the CSS properties of the same names.

Other properties

Prop Required Types Default Description
transition false Number 0 Time taken to animate changes to each symbol when data changes


Event Description
click Triggered when user clicks on mark
hover Triggered when user hovers over mark
mouseover Triggered when user's mouse is above mark
mouseout Triggered when user's mouse leaves mark
select Triggered when mark is selected
deselect Triggered when mark is removed from selection

For more information on these events, see the Interactivity documentation.



To render the Symbol mark, you will need to provide the x and y props or the geometry mark.

x and y can be used with data types Number, String and Date, depending on the parent Section's domain type. geometry should be used for geographic data containing GeoJSON Point objects only. To render other geometry types, see the overview on Geo marks.

Data is passed to the x, y and geometry props via row mapping, which renders one mark per data row. For a more in-depth explanation on how mapping works, see the Map section under Core components.

Other aesthetics

The shape prop sets the shape of the symbol mark. The value defaults to circle but can be set to any of the available options. Some pre-defined shapes include square, cross, diamond, triangle-up, triangle-down, triangle-left, triangle-right and star.

For a full list of options, refer to shape documentation. Additionally, it is possible to provide a custom shape, specified as a SVG path string with coordinates scaled to [-1, 1] both horizontally and vertically.

size defaults to 10px. This same value refers to both the height and width of the shape. In order to improve the accuracy when reading off the (x, y) values of the center point of each symbol instance, the height and width of the symbol mark are not allowed to take on different values.

Other properties

transition is disabled by default. It can be set to take an arbitrary length of time in seconds.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

